Imperial Steel came to redefine the way to sell tanks in the energy industry

We manufacture propane tanks, refined fuel tanks and derivatives where our main goal lies on focusing on the power and experience that we apply to our processes and services.

What makes us different?

Imperial Steel is about commitment. We work to become an ally to our clients’ business growth and create permanent bonds of trust with them.


We put people as the core of our main engine, whether as a valued client, colleague or partner. We provide complete assistance to our customers’ needs, and that is how our focus on customer service constitutes our DNA.

Our core values

Expertise / Honesty / Commitment / Alliance / Human Spirit


Our team binds together an incredible amount of experience that allows us to generate processes and services that work, from which give us strength and empowerment.


Our constant drive to satisfy our customers’ needs grants us to have consistency in what we offer. We always take a step back and ask ourselves if it’s clear how we communicate our service. The truth is the truth.


We feel that our duty is to always fulfill what our clients expect from us. We know good quality should be the standard and our service must always exceed expectations. If they are happy, so are we!


We want to become allies in the growth of our clients' business, because we believe that strong relationships are not just built with service.

Human Spirit

Despite the fact that industry lives in a world of automation, our human vision allows us to recognize that people will always be at the center of business relationships.